Numbness And Tingling Treatment in Virginia

Treatment for numbness and tingling begins with an exam and proper diagnosis to determine the underlying cause of the numbness and/or tingling sensation. Depending on the severity of the discomfort, the chiropractor will begin with an examination, which includes a range of motion test, orthopedic tests, muscle tests, and neurological tests.

How Virginia Family Chiropractic provides numbness and tingling pain relief

The doctor will also palpate the affected area and take X-rays based on medical necessity. If further testing is necessary to diagnose the problem, the doctor will order an MRI and/or CT Scan.

Numbness & Tingling Treatment Plan

Most cases of numbness and tingling respond well to conservative treatment under a chiropractor’s care. The aim is to eliminate irritation and restore proper function to the nerves. This can be accomplished through spinal manipulation, tractioning, ice, and various physical medicine modalities. The exact treatment will be determined in a case-by-case scenario based on the cause and symptoms of each patient.